Advance practice NUrse, health and medicine homework help

Evaluate how you have achieved course competencies and your plans to develop further in these areas. The course competencies for this course are as follows:

  1. Explore the historical evolution of the advance practice nurse.
  2. Differentiate the roles and scope of practice for nurses working in advanced clinical, education, administration, informatics, research, and health policy arenas.
  3. Analyze attributes of the practice arena such as access and availability, degree of consumer choice, competition, and financing that impact advanced practice nurses and their ability to effectively collaborate with other health professionals.
  4. Integrate evidence from research and theory into discussions of practice competencies, health promotion and disease prevention strategies, quality improvement, and safety standards.
  5. Identify collaborative, organizational, communication, and leadership skills in working with other professionals in healthcare facilities and/or academic institutions.
  6. Synthesize knowledge from values theory, ethics, and legal/regulatory statutes in the development of a personal philosophy for a career as an advanced practice nurse.

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