01 16 writing your narrative

Lesson Summary

In this lesson you have progressed step by step through the draft writing process. You should now have a draft that includes all the pieces of a complete narrative. Look over the story you have created so far and check for the following:



Word Choice

Sentence Fluency

After you have completed a final read through of your story and made any necessary changes, submit your first draft for grading. The length of your completed draft should be approximately 500 words.

Remember, you are writing a narrative based on the play, Macbeth; you are not writing a summary of the play.

If you need a little help, read a partial sample of a narrative story based on Shakespeare’s play.

Your first draft will be evaluated using the Writing Your Narrative rubric.


  1. Complete the reading for this lesson.
  2. Complete the self-checks in the lesson.
  3. In the Assessments area, submit your first draft for 01.16 Writing Your Narrative.
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